
Resetting Administrator Password in Windows Server 2016 Domain Controller

Resetting local administrator and Domain Administrator password is one of the important tasks of System Administrator. As a job role of Windows System Administrator we should have to know how to reset Domain Administrator password and local administrator password. In some situation we require these steps. In this article we will reset Administrator Password in Windows Server 2016 Domain Controller using following steps:

1. Insert the Windows Server 2016 DVD and restart the server and Press F12 to boot from DVD. Press Enter which monitor display “Press any key to boot from CD or DVD…”

Boot from DVD

2. On the Windows Setup page, click Next.

Windows Setup

3. On the Windows Setup page, select “Repair your computer”.

Repair your Computer

4. On the Choose an Option page, click “Troubleshoot” option.

Choose an option

5. On the Advanced options page, select “Command Prompt”

Advance Option

6. On the Administrator Command Prompt, type the following commands as shown in figure.

Administrative CMD

7. On the Administrator Command Prompt window, close the “Command Prompt”

Closed CMD

8. On the Choose an option page, click on “Continue”.

Choose an option

9. Now Server restarting and then Press Windows Key + U to open Administrator command prompt at the logon screen. And type the following commands to change the password.
net user administrator P@ssw0rd
Then close the command prompt.

net user

10. Now, you can log on with the recently changed password.


Once you have successfully log on the domain controller, you have to repeat the following cleanup steps.

11. Restart the server and Press F12 to boot from Windows Server 2016 DVD. On the Windows Setup page, click Next.

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Windows Setup

12. On the Windows Setup page, click on “Repair your computer”.

Repair your computer

13. On the Choose an option dialog box, select “Troubleshoot”.

Choose an option

14. On the Advanced options dialog box, select “Command Prompt”.

Advance option

15. On the Administrator Command Prompt, type the following commands, and close the command prompt windows.

Command Prompt

16. On the Choose an option dialog box, select “Continue”.

Choose an option

17. On the login dialog box, type the username and password, then press Enter.






Resetting Domain Administrator and local Administrator password is the important tasks of System Administrator. In some scenario this will help to save our jobs. We should know this. I hope this will help.

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